The unique substance naphthalan, the medicinal properties of which help to cope with a lot of diseases, rightfully enjoys wide popularity. The basis of a thick dark brown liquid is naphthenic hydrocarbons, which are part of most bioactive substances. In this material, we will try to understand the main medicinal properties of naphthalan, procedures and contraindications for the use of an organic product.

Naphthalan - the medicinal properties of oil

This substance has no analogues. Its therapeutic properties are truly unique.

Naftalan is:

  • pain reliever;
  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing;
  • antiallergenic;
  • vasodilator.

In addition, the substance stimulates metabolic processes in the human body, protects the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, radiation, etc. However, naphthalan has the most beneficial effect on the immune, endocrine and nervous systems.

Here are the main diseases that are treated with this natural substance.

  1. Diseases of blood vessels. Naphthalan baths improve blood rheology, so they are prescribed to patients with phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, Raynaud's disease, etc.
  2. Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. Naphthalan therapy treats diseases and injuries of the peripheral system due to injuries. Successful results can also be achieved in the treatment of: radiculitis, atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries (early stage), post-traumatic diseases of the central nervous system.
  3. ENT diseases. Health procedures will help cure sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis and other diseases.
  4. Gynecological diseases. Here, the list of ailments that naphthalan helps to overcome includes: infertility, amenorrhea, endometritis, parametritis, etc.
  5. Musculoskeletal system. Oil stimulates the growth of cartilage tissue, reduces muscle spasms, disorders and pain in the joints. Naphthalan will help in the fight against Bechterew's disease, arthritis.

Separately, it is worth mentioning skin diseases. Naphthalan oil helps to get rid of various types of dermatitis, psoriasis, boils, bedsores, seborrhea and much more.

This list of ailments can be continued further. But before therapy, you should consult with your doctor.

Health procedures with naphthalan oil

Among the main procedures, it is worth noting naphthalan baths and lubrications. The former are carried out in specialized sanatoriums. Local lubrications can be done at home.

A bath with naphthalan should be taken for about 8-12 minutes, the liquid temperature is 37-38 degrees. In reviews, many patients note that the process is pleasant and very comfortable. The general course consists of 8-14 procedures.

These procedures have a beneficial effect on the body, relax and soothe. Therefore, experts recommend resting for about two hours after the bath, sleeping or just lying down. It is also worth noting that after the procedure, the sensitivity of the epidermis increases, so you cannot take a hot shower.

If it is not possible to go to a sanatorium, the procedures can be carried out at home. For this, there are many effective and useful products based on naphthalan. These are: cream, ointment, oil, soap, shampoo and even toothpaste. The effect of the procedures will be no worse than in a health center.


A substance such as naphthalan will have the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tuberculosis;
  • stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • hepatitis;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • venereal diseases;
  • mastopathy;
  • diseases associated with intracranial pressure;
  • patient age up to 6 years;
  • mental illnesses;

history of heart attack and epilepsy. It is also worth refraining from naphthalan therapy for benign and malignant tumors. If the latter was successfully removed and no relapses were observed, the procedures can be carried out 5 years after the operation.

When the patient has gynecological ailments, joint diseases or skin diseases in the acute stage, treatment with naphthalan is contraindicated.